
Ordering a meal and drinks

  Ordering a meal and drinks :Pedir comida y bebidas Waitress: Hello, I will be your waitress today. Can I get you both any drinks? Paul: Yes. I would like an iced coffee, please. Jane: And I will have the same please. Waitress: OK 2 iced coffees, here you are. Are you now ready to order your, or would you like a few more minutes? Paul: I think we are ready to order. I will have the chicken soup to start, and the steak with fries and the mixed vegetables. Waitress: How do you want the steak cooked rare, medium, or well done? Paul: I would like it well done, please. Jane: I do not want a starter. I would like to have the fried chicken with fries and a side salad please. Waitress: Your meals will be here shortly. Waitress: Here are your meals. If you need anything else, just ask. Have a nice meal. Conversation hints Yes or no Can  I get you any drinks? Can is answered with a yes or no. Choices Are you now ready to order your,  or  would you like a few more minutes? By using the word &qu

Asking for directions

  Asking for directions:preguntar por direcciones William:  Excuse me, am sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me how I can get to the train station? Kate:  Yes no problem, it's that way. Keeping walking straight ahead then after you pass the library you have to turn left. then take your first right and it's across from the bus station. You cannot miss it! William:  Thank you so much! I have only been in Manchester for 2 days, so I don't know how to get anywhere yet. Kate:  Oh, I know that feeling. Me and my husband moved here a 6 months ago, and I still don't know how to find certain places! Manchester is so big. William:  So just to double check Keep walking straight ahead till I pass the library, then I have to turn left and take the first right. Then it's across the bus station. Is that correct? Kate:  Yes, that is correct. William:  Well thanks for helping me. I must go and catch my train, hopefully I haven't miss it! Kate:  OK, bye. Useful hints on as

Asking for a wake up call

     Asking for a wake up call  Pidiendo una llamada de atención John:  Hello am John. Hotel receptionist:  Yes, Sir. How may I help you today? John:  I have a plane to catch tomorrow morning and I can't miss it. Is it possible to arrange a wake-up call for 6:30am? Hotel receptionist:  Yes, I am arranging that right now. What is your room number? John:  Am staying in room 666. Hotel receptionist:  OK, you’ll get your wake-up call at 6:30 in the morning. Is there anything else I can help you with today? John:  Yes ,  I’d like to have some breakfast and a pot of tea delivered to by room after my wake up call. Hotel receptionist:  What breakfast would you like a full English or continental breakfast.  John:  A full English with extra toast please. Hotel receptionist:  Alright.  John:  Yeah. That’ll be all for now. I will settle my bill, when I check out in the morning. Hotel receptionist:  Would also like me to arrange a taxi to the airport for you? John:  Hmm, yes that would be grea

Booking a taxi in a hotel

 Booking a taxi in a hotel :Reservar un taxi en un hotel  David:  Hello, would you organize me a taxi for tomorrow afternoon? Hotel receptionist:  That will be no problem. Where do you want the taxi to take you? David:  Well, I have to be at a business conference for 2 o clock at the Regents hotel. I'm hoping that it is not very far away from here. Hotel receptionist:  No. It’s only a twenty minute drive from this hotel and your will be fine as the traffic is very quite at that time. David:  Then one thirty will be fine. No! make it one fifteen to be on the safe side. Book the taxi for 1-15 in the afternoon, please. Hotel receptionist:  OK. I will make booking right away for you. David:  Thank you for your help. And please tell the taxi company  to make sure the taxi arrives by 1-15, as that will leave me plenty of time. Hotel receptionist:  Would you like me to order a taxi for when you return? David:  That's a great idea. Could make sure the taxi waiting for me outside for 8

At the post office

  Conversation at the post office Conversación en la oficina de correos Postal office clerk:  Good morning, what can I do for you today? Karen:  Good morning. I have to send this parcel to Thailand, please. Postal office clerk:  OK, pass me the parcel through the opened window and let’s see how much it weighs. It weighs 3 kilos. you need to send it by airmail, it will get there in about 7 days.  Postal office clerk:  You also have the option of using international signed for. Karen:  What is that?  Postal office clerk:  Same as airmail, but the person in Thailand has to sign for it when the post man delivers it to them. Karen:  How much does that cost? Postal office clerk:  An extra £5.15 [five pounds and fifteen pence] and it is insured up to £50 [fifty pounds]  Karen:  It's OK, 7 days by airmail is fine. How much will sending the parcel be? Postal office clerk:  £10.15 [ten pounds and fifteen pence]. Do you need anything else? Karen:  Oh, I nearly forgot. I need to buy 2 books o

First day at work

First day at work: Primer dia de trabajo Mike :  Good morning, John. John:  Good morning, Mike. Mike :  Let me take you to your cubicle and then I will give you a tour of our facility. Mike :  Here is your cubicle, your “home away from home” from 8:00 to 5:00 every day, John. John:  Oh, very nice! Mike :  Drop your belongings here, and let’s go! John:  OK, I am ready Mike. Mike :  That is Mary over there. She is our senior financial analyst. You will be working with her in the future. Let’s go say hi to her. Mike :  Mary, this is John, our department’s new addition. Mary:  Welcome aboard, John. I am very glad to see you. Boy! I was swamped with work the last couple of weeks. But, I can see myself going home at a more decent time from now on. John:  Thank you. I am very happy to be here. Just let me know whenever you need me. I am glad to be of any assistance. Mike :  I am giving John a tour of our facility so that he knows his way around here. Mary:  See you later, John. John:  OK, Ma

Finding a job conversation

   Finding a job                           Buscando trabajo Nancy:  Hi. It is good to see you, John. John:  Same here, Nancy. It has been a long time since I last saw you. Nancy:  Yes, the last time we saw each other was New Year’s Eve. How are you doing? John:  I am doing OK. It would be better if I have a new job right now. Nancy:  You are looking for a new job? Why? John:  I already finished my studies and graduated last week. Now, I want to get a job in the Finance field. Payroll is not exactly Finance. Nancy:  How long have you been looking for a new job? John:  I just started this week. Nancy:  Didn’t you have any interviews with those firms that came to our campus last month? I believe quite a few companies came to recruit students for their Finance departments. John:  I could only get one interview with Fidelity Company because of my heavy work- schedule. A month has already gone by, and I have not heard from them. I guess I did not make it. Nancy:  Don’t worry, John. You alwa